Registering a company guide: How to Register a Company in Australia with Allied Legal

So, you've decided to venture into the world of entrepreneurship in Australia—a commendable decision that offers numerous advantages. From the freedom to pursue your passion to the potential for financial growth and independence, starting a company opens doors to a plethora of opportunities.

However, navigating the process of registering a company in Australia can be complex and daunting, especially for those unfamiliar with the legal requirements and procedures. This is where Allied Legal comes into play. With our extensive expertise and profound knowledge of Australian corporate law, we are here to guide you through every step of establishing your business.

Steps to Registering a Company:

1. Selecting a Company Name

Uniqueness and Compliance: Your company name should be distinctive, not already in use, and compliant with ASIC guidelines. Allied Legal can conduct a thorough search to ensure the name is available and complies with regulations.

Reflective and Memorable: A good company name should reflect your business's nature and be memorable to attract customers and build brand identity.

2. Appoint Directors and Shareholders

Directorship Roles: Determine individuals who will serve as directors, responsible for managing the company's affairs. They must comply with legal requirements and obligations.

Shareholder Distribution: Decide on the allocation of shares among shareholders, detailing ownership percentages and voting rights.

3. Prepare Company Documents:

Company Constitution: Drafting a constitution establishes rules for managing the company's internal affairs, including roles, decision-making processes, and dispute-resolution mechanisms. Allied Legal can assist you in crafting a meticulously structured Company constitution that not only adheres to legal compliance but also reflects a well-thought-out framework tailored to your business's specific needs.

Consent Forms: Obtain consent forms from appointed directors and secretaries to confirm their willingness to take up their respective roles.

4. Register Your Company:

ASIC Application: Lodge an application with ASIC, providing necessary details such as company type, registered office address, directorship details, and the chosen company name. Upon approval, ASIC issues an Australian Company Number (ACN) and Certificate of Registration. We can assist registering your company with ASIC.

5. Obtain Necessary Licenses and Permits:

Industry-Specific Permits: Depending on your business activities (e.g., finance, healthcare, food services), you may require specific licenses or permits to operate legally. Our seasoned legal professionals are well-versed in the nuanced requirements of various sectors, including finance, healthcare, food services, and more. Allied Legal can guide you through industry-specific requirements, ensuring compliance and assisting in obtaining the necessary licenses or permits.

Post-Registration Considerations

Once your company is registered, there are several important aspects for you to consider:

1. Corporate Governance - Implement effective corporate governance practices to ensure smooth operations and adherence to legal requirements.

  • Board Structure and Roles: Defining clear roles and responsibilities for directors and officers within your company is vital. We can assist in creating robust corporate governance frameworks that outline decision-making processes, accountability, and compliance measures.
  • Compliance Oversight: Ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory obligations is crucial for corporate governance. Allied Legal can help your company establish policies and procedures to monitor and maintain compliance.
  • Risk Management: Identifying and managing potential risks is integral to corporate governance. Our legal experts can aid in assessing risks and implementing strategies to mitigate them effectively.

2. Contracts and Agreements: Drafting and reviewing contracts, agreements, and other legal documents is vital to protect your business interests. Allied Legal specialises in commercial contracts and can assist in these matters.

  • Tailored Contracts: Creating bespoke contracts that cater to your business needs is essential. Whether it's supplier agreements, client contracts, employment agreements, or partnership agreements, Allied Legal can draft comprehensive contracts tailored to your specific requirements.
  • Contract Review and Negotiation: Reviewing contracts before signing is important to avoid potential pitfalls. Our legal team can meticulously analyse contracts, identify risks, and negotiate terms that safeguard your interests.
  • Legal Compliance in Contracts: Ensuring that contracts comply with relevant laws and regulations is paramount. We can ensure that your contracts are legally sound and enforceable.

3. Intellectual Property Protection: Safeguard your intellectual property rights through patents, trademarks, or copyrights. Our legal experts can help you secure and protect your intellectual assets.

  • IP Strategy Development: Formulating a robust strategy to protect intellectual property (IP) assets is essential. Our experts can assist in identifying and securing patents, trademarks, and copyrights to safeguard your unique creations or innovations.
  • IP Portfolio Management: Managing and maintaining your IP portfolio is an ongoing process. Allied Legal can help monitor and enforce your IP rights, ensuring protection against infringement.
  • IP Dispute Resolution: In the event of IP disputes or infringements, our legal team can provide representation and assist in resolving conflicts through negotiation or litigation, safeguarding your intellectual assets.

Registering a company in Australia involves meticulous attention to legal details and compliance with regulations. Allied Legal stands as your trusted partner throughout this journey, offering tailored legal solutions and expert guidance to ensure your business sets off on the right foot and thrives in the competitive landscape of Australian entrepreneurship.

Contact us at Allied Legal today to begin your company registration process with confidence. Call us at 03 8691 3111 or drop us an email at

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