Improving Customer Relationships With Clear Contracts

Does your business supply goods or services? Would you like to strengthen customer relationships? Experience tells us that a properly drawn-up set of terms and conditions will go a long way. It sets a clear understanding between the parties, reducing the possibility of a dispute arising.

Contact Allied Legal’s commercial lawyers in Melbourne if you would like your customer contracts reviewed and updated.

Most businesses we come across have fantastic relationships with their customers. This is because our clients provide high quality goods and services which means that their customers keep coming back. When things are running smoothly, many business owners do not give a second thought to the “fine print” or the “Ts and Cs” behind the relationship with their customers. However, a little work on customer contracts when things are going well can alleviate a lot of unnecessary stress should things take an unexpected turn.

When is the contract with your customer formed? When does legal ownership of your goods pass to your customer? What can your customer do if they have a problem? What do you and do you not assume liability for? Spelling out these and other issue in your terms and conditions can save expensive disputes later on. Certainty is highly desirable from a legal point of view, but also makes great business sense. Everyone knows where they stand and the potential for misunderstandings and disagreements is hugely decreased. Most importantly, this usually leads to happier customers!

There are other questions too: what if one party wants to terminate the contract? Where will any dispute be settled, particularly if you have international customers? What if you want to vary the contract? Our approach is to learn as much as possible about your business so that we can prepare you a set of terms and conditions which fit your business needs. In many cases it does not need to be complicated, but it does need to be right. Certainty and peace of mind can often be achieved with a clear document with which you and your customers can be comfortable.

Contact Allied Legal

Allied Legal provides complementary initial consultations and we encourage you to contact our firm. When it comes to drawing up terms and conditions for your business, we can agree fixed fees at competitive rates. Avoiding disputes is cheaper and easier than resolving them, and clear terms and conditions will play a key role.

The content of this article is only a guide on some of the key issues to keep in mind when entering considering your terms and conditions. Please contact Allied Legal’s lawyers in Melbourne should you require legal assistance with such matters. We provide complementary 30-minute initial consultations to help understand your needs. Please contact us when you are ready to seek specialist advice:

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