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Navigating Proposed Crypto Regulations: Opportunities and Challenges for Startups - Allied Legal

As the legal landscape surrounding the cryptocurrency industry evolves, startups and small businesses find themselves at a pivotal juncture. The Treasury’s recent proposal to regulate the digital asset space by leveraging the existing Australia’s financial services laws raises both opportunities and challenges in the startup space.

Central to these proposals is the integration of digital asset platforms into the Australian Financial Services (AFS) licensing regime. Here's how these proposed regulations could affect startups:


  • Increased Regulatory Compliance Costs: Startups operating in the cryptocurrency space will need to allocate resources to comply with the new licensing requirements and obligations. This includes the costs associated with applying for and maintaining an AFS license, as well as ensuring adherence to financial services laws and disclosure requirements. Compliance can be resource-intensive and may divert funds and attention from other aspects of business development.
  • Entry Barriers: The requirement for an AFS license and adherence to financial services laws could create significant entry barriers for new startups. It may discourage entrepreneurs from entering the space or require substantial upfront capital and expertise to meet the regulatory requirements, limiting the number of new entrants.
  • Market Consolidation: The regulatory burden could lead to market consolidation as smaller startups may struggle to meet the compliance standards. This could result in larger, more established players dominating the market.
  • Innovation Constraints: Regulatory compliance can sometimes stifle innovation by imposing rigid standards and requirements. Startups may need to navigate these constraints when developing new products or services in the crypto space, which could slow down the pace of innovation.


  • Consumer Protection: While these regulations are designed to protect consumers, they may also lead to a more trustworthy and secure environment for crypto-related startups. The requirement for digital assets to be held on trust for clients can enhance consumer trust in the ecosystem, which may benefit startups with a strong focus on security and custodial services.
  • Standardisation and Security: The imposition of technical standards for safeguarding crypto in custody is likely to encourage best practices for security and risk management. This could potentially create opportunities for startups specialising in security solutions, audit services, or compliance technology.
  • Investor Confidence: As the regulatory environment becomes more structured, it might boost investor confidence in the crypto space. Startups with clear regulatory compliance may find it easier to attract investment. Conversely, startups that do not meet these requirements may face challenges in attracting capital.
  • Education and Consulting Services: Startups that can provide consulting, advisory, or educational services related to compliance and navigating the regulatory landscape may find new opportunities to help other startups understand and meet these requirements.

In this dynamic regulatory landscape, crypto startups must prepare for change. While challenges may arise, opportunities for those who adapt and specialise in compliance, security, and consumer protection can be significant. The cryptocurrency industry's future is taking shape, and startups play an important role in shaping that future.

At Allied Legal, we specialise in startup legal support, helping businesses navigate evolving regulations and seize opportunities in the digital asset space. For expert crypto legal guidance and support, reach out to us at 03 8691 3111 or


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