Year of the Metal Ox: A Year for Startups

2021 is offering fresh beginnings after a tumultuous year in 2020 with the Year of the Ox representing good harvest, fertility and movement. This will provide a smooth transition from the comparatively static year of 2020, creating an opportune time for startups and new businesses. Hence we say goodbye to the Year of the Rat and welcome the Year of the Ox. 

The ‘Metal’ Ox

Chinese New Year celebrates the beginning of the lunisolar Chinese calendar. The 12-year zodiac calendar characterised by 12 distinct animals is associated with a 60-year calendrical cycle, inclusive of 12 Earthly branches and the 10 Heavenly stems. According to this, 2021 is the Year of the ‘Metal’ Ox. The combination of the ‘ox’ which represents powerful determination, diligence and strength, and the ‘metal’ element which encompasses hard work and activity indicates an opportune time to make bold, business decisions.

The Metal Ox Founder 

According to the legend, the Ox is the second of the 12 zodiac animals to enter the party of the Jade Emperor. The Ox was deceived by the Rat into entering second, which is why the Ox is often described as both humble and honest.

The Ox’s personality is that of an entrepreneur who is hardworking and business-minded. The Ox tends to work diligently and conscientiously, methodically scaling their business or startup. The Ox is able to solve problems head-on and is great to do business with as the Ox continually finishes projects or tasks on time. We encourage all founders to embody the Ox this year. 

The Ox & Startups

The Year of the Ox is an exciting time to launch a startup. The metal element, generated by the Earth, can represent luck and good fortune, particularly in sectors involving metal. Industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, education, legal, finance and technology can expect ample opportunities this year.

In some traditional Chinese myths, the Ox who pulls the carriage or ploughs the land, is illustrative of agriculture and transportation. This signifies a fruitful year for startups whose offerings are based in the automotive, technology or agricultural sectors. The Year of the Ox will be of particular interest to startups encompassing both the ‘metal’ element and the Ox such as health-tech or agri-tech.  

Chinese New Year is about celebrating and discovering new energy which can be applied anywhere from relationships to your new startup venture. At Allied Legal we believe 2021 is going to be a prosperous and exciting year for new businesses and startups. We wish you a Happy New Year in 2021.

Need Help?  Contact Us 

Welcome the Chinese New Year with fresh insights and inspiration. Now may be the time to consult our team. Not only do we offer sales as a service but we provide startup-specific legal services to assist you every step of the way. If you want to contact one of our startup lawyers or learn more about how we can help, give us a call on 03 8691 3111 or send us an email at

You might also like our article Don’t Miss These Startup Events in 2021.

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